Mississaugua Golf and Country Club is proud to offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re young, old or somewhere in-between, we are sure to have a league suitable for you.
Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.
Monday Afternoon - Senior Men -
Join us for a fun afternoon of curling! Whether you're entering as an individual or part of a team, we'll ensure everyone is placed on a team. The cost is $5 per game, billed to your account.
Teams will compete for meat prizes, and everyone can enjoy a warm drink after the game. When signing up, please indicate your preferred position and let us know if you'll be away for an extended period.
Monday Night - CYO - 6:15 PM and 8:30 PM
Join our Monday night league with draw times at 6:15 PM and 8:30 PM. This Open league welcomes any combination of players, regardless of age or gender, and features A and B divisions.
The CYO League runs throughout the entire curling season, with separate Fall and Spring Series.
Section 1: Team Placement
1.1. The league consists of 20 teams, which are divided into two divisions: A and B.
1.2. At the start of each season, teams will be initially placed in their divisions based on their finishing position from the prior season. The top-performing teams will be placed in Division A, followed by Division B.
1.3. All teams new to the league will be placed in an appropriate division to begin the season.
1.4. A team is considered a "returning team" if it has three or more returning players from the previous season, or if the skip and at least one other player from the previous season are part of the team.
Section 2: Points System
2.1. Points will be awarded to each team based on their win, loss, and tie records in the round-robin matches, and the points allocation will differ based on the division:
A Division:
- A win will earn a team 10 points.
- A loss will earn a team 5 points.
- A tie will earn a team 7.5 points.
B Division:
- A win will earn a team 9 points.
- A loss will earn a team 4 points.
- A tie will earn a team 6.5 points.
Section 3: Reseeding
3.1. At the completion of the divisional round-robin matches, teams will be reseeded for future round-robin matches based on the points accumulated during the series.
3.2. The reseeding process aims to ensure competitive balance within each division and reward strong team performance.
Section 4: Game Format
4.1. Games will be played in a round-robin format within each division.
4.2. Each team will play a set number of matches against other teams in their division.
4.3. Game scheduling, duration, and other game-related details will be provided by the league organizers and communicated to the teams before the start of the season.
4.4 All games will be played under the Rules of Curling from Curling Canada.
Section 5: Code of Conduct
5.1. All participants are expected to uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship and fair play.
5.2. Unsportsmanlike behavior, harassment, or violations of league rules will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary actions as determined by the league organizers.
Section 6: Disputes and Appeals
6.1. Any disputes or appeals related to the league rules or match results should be submitted in writing to the league organizers within a reasonable time frame.
6.2. The league organizers will review and resolve disputes or appeals in a fair and timely manner, taking into consideration the best interests of the league.
Section 7: Amendments
7.1. These rules may be subject to amendments or updates by the league organizers as necessary. Any changes will be communicated to all participating teams in a clear and timely manner.
Section 8: Spares
8.1. Teams may use spares to substitute for regular team members in cases of player unavailability due to valid reasons such as illness, injury, or other commitments.
8.2. Spares can be obtained from the league's official spare list or any club member in good standing. The spare list is available on the Club's website.
8.3. It is important to note that guests are not allowed to spare in any games that lead to a trophy. Failure to comply with this rule will result in 0 points being awarded for the game in which a guest was used as a spare.
Section 9: CYO Specific Rules
9.1. The MGCC Bell Rule: All games within the CYO League will be played following the MGCC Bell Rule. The MGCC Bell Rule pertains to the specific rules and regulations established by the league to ensure consistent gameplay and fair competition.
9.2. Game Recording and Database Entry: All teams are responsible for ensuring that every game played is recorded accurately and promptly entered in the league's designated website database. It is mandatory that scores for all games are entered no later than the final game of the scheduled series. Failure to do so will result in 0 points being awarded for both teams in any unrecorded games.
9.3. Trophy Series: At the completion of two series within the season, the top 4 teams based on accumulated points will be seeded into the Trophy Series. The Trophy Series is the pinnacle of the CYO League and will determine the winner of the CYO Trophy. Remaining teams will continue to play divisional round-robin games.
9.4. Trophy Tiebreakers: In case of a tie for the Trophy Series, tiebreakers will be applied as follows:
- First, ties will be broken by overall score accumulated throughout the season.
- Second, if necessary, tiebreakers will be determined by the head-to-head results between the tied teams.
- If neither of the above methods results in a clear winner, a tiebreaker game will be scheduled to resolve the tie. The outcome of this tiebreaker game will determine the winner of the CYO Trophy.
October 16, 2024
Tuesday Afternoon - Ladies Team Entry - Trophy Series
Ladies Team Entry Trophy - Rules and Regulations 2024-2025
1. Event Overview:
The Ladies Team Entry Trophy is a curling event comprising 9 participating teams. The competition consists of a full round-robin format played over several scheduled weeks. Each week, one team will have a bye. Points will be awarded for each match as follows: 10 points for a win, 7.5 points for a tie, and 5 points for a loss. The team with the highest aggregate points at the completion of the round-robin will be declared the winner.
Games must be completed by December 10th, 2024.
2. Team Entry:
2.1. Each team must consist of a minimum of three players, one of whom must be an original registered team member. Spares must be members of the Club; guests are not allowed for Trophy play.
2.2. Teams may consist of female participants only.
2.3. All participants must adhere to the rules and guidelines of the competition and Curling Canada.
2.4. The Bell Rule will be in effect for the scheduled games (1 hour 40 minutes).
3. Round Robin Format:
3.1. The competition will be conducted in a full round-robin format, with each team playing against every other team once.
3.2. One team will have a bye each week, rotating among the participating teams as scheduled.
4. Scoring:
4.1. Points will be awarded based on match outcomes as follows:
- Win: 10 points
- Tie: 7.5 points
- Loss: 5 points
5. Determining the Winner:
5.1. The team with the highest aggregate points at the end of the round-robin stage will be declared the winner of the Ladies Team Entry Trophy.
6. Tiebreaker Rules:
6.1. In the event of a tie for the top position at the end of the round robin, the following tiebreaker rules will apply in order:
a. Head-to-Head Results: The team that has a better head-to-head record against the tied teams will be declared the winner. If one team has a superior head-to-head record, they will be declared the winner.
b. Tiebreaker Game: If the tie cannot be resolved by head-to-head results, a tiebreaker game(s) will be played.
7. Tiebreaker Game(s):
7.1. Date: The tiebreaker game(s) will be scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th, 2025.
7.2. Rules: The tiebreaker game will follow standard curling rules, with necessary modifications if needed.
7.3. Winner: The winner of the tiebreaker game(s) will be declared the overall winner of the Ladies Team Entry Trophy.
8. Code of Conduct:
8.1. All participants are expected to adhere to the highest standards of sportsmanship and fair play.
8.2. Games will be played following Curling Canada Rules.
9. Organizing Committee:
9.1. The organizing committee is responsible for scheduling, venue arrangements, and dispute resolution.
9.2. Decisions made by the organizing committee are final and binding.
10. Amendments to Rules:
10.1. Any changes or amendments to these rules must be approved by the organizing committee and communicated to all participating teams.
By participating in the Ladies Team Entry Trophy, all teams and players acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these rules and regulations. Failure to comply with these rules may result in penalties or disqualification.
Tuesday Night Men's Ladder
Mississaugua Golf and Country Club
Men's League Curling
Tuesday and Thursday Night
Men's League Curling - Rules and Regulations
Tuesday and Thursday Nights
1. Team Registration
- Teams must register their intent to play by the deadline posted on all registration materials. Registration can be completed online at www.mississauguagolf.com.
- Teams are assumed to continue from series to series, including the season-end Club Championship, unless the team specifically notifies the Curling Office. Please provide at least 2 weeks' notice prior to the end of the current round if you do not wish to continue.
2. Division Structure
- Teams will be divided into divisions based on the number of registered teams. For 2024-25:
- Thursday will start with two seven-team divisions.
- Tuesday will start with three divisions: two with six teams and one with five teams.
- Assuming we continue to have an odd number of teams on Tuesday, the divisional structure will be adjusted so that the division with an odd number of teams changes each series. In the second series, C Division will have an odd number of teams. To accomplish this:
- One team will move down from A to B
- Two teams will move up from B to A
- Two teams will move up from C to B
- One team will move down from B to C
3. Initial Team Ranking
- The Curling Professional and Draw Convenor will rank all 'continuing' teams registered for the first series based on previous season results.
- A team is considered a continuing team with three existing team members OR the skip plus one other player.
- Initial placement in divisions will be determined by prior year results (from the end of the final round).
- 'New' teams will start in the lowest division.
4. Team Ladder Scoring
- Points are earned for each game played, and there is no extra play to break ties.
Scoring by Division:
- Division A: 7 points for a win, 4 points for a loss, 5.5 points for a tie
- Division B: 6 points for a win, 3 points for a loss, 4.5 points for a tie
- Division C: 5 points for a win, 2 points for a loss, 3.5 points for a tie
Default Rules:
- A default is recorded as a loss for the defaulting team.
5. Ladder Standings
- After each series, the series winners and promotion/relegation to other divisions will be determined based on the highest/lowest average points per game in the series.
- Ties in the standings will be broken by:
- Head-to-head games
- Highest average points per game in the season to date
- Random draw (if necessary)
- The Men's Curling Committee or Draw Convener will resolve any disputes in the ladder standings.
6. Prizes
- Recognition will be given to the winning teams of each Division (A, B, C) for each series for both Tuesday and Thursday sections.
- Recognition will be given to the winning team over the entire season for each night. This is determined by average points per game for the entire year. Ties will be broken by:
- Head-to-head games throughout the year
- Highest points per game in the last series
- Random draw (if necessary)
- All games will be played under the Rules of Curling and OCA regulations unless otherwise specified.
- A copy of the curling rule book is available at Rules for General Play.
- The Free Guard Zone 5 Rock Rule will be played during this season.
- Teams should be on the ice and ready to play 5 minutes prior to the designated start time.
Bell Rule
- The Bell Rule applies to all game times. When the bell rings, teams may finish the end in play plus one more end.
- The bell signals 1 hour and 40 minutes from the scheduled start.
- An end is considered complete and a new end started when the skip's last rock has crossed the near tee-line and is in motion.
- For example, if the skip's last rock in the sixth end has crossed the near tee-line before the bell rings, the teams may play eight ends.
Late Arrival
If a team is not on the ice ready to commence play at the designated time (unless otherwise stated by the rules governing the competition or league play):
- A 5-minute grace period will be allowed (Men's League Rule).
- If the delay of the start of play is 6-15 minutes, then one end is considered completed - the non-offending team receives one (1) point and will have the last stone in the second end (first end of actual play).
- If the delay of the start of play is 16-30 minutes, then two ends are considered completed - the non-offending team receives one (1) additional point and will have the last stone in the third end (first end of actual play).
- If play has not started after 30 minutes, then the non-offending team is declared the winner by forfeit.
- The club clock in the rink is the official clock.
- Best efforts should be used to reschedule all regular games.
- The team requesting the change should suggest make-up times, and the opponent must be reasonable in finding a suitable time with available ice prior to the end of the round.
- If the game cannot be played, the team that originally requested rescheduling will take the loss.
- All games will be eight ends subject to the Bell Rule.
- Ties remain as ties and are not broken.
- A team is responsible for ensuring their own substitutes. Teams must have at least three players.
- When playing with a three-player team, the Lead and Second will throw 3 rocks each.
- Teams must have one original player for the game to be valid.
- Spares are to be obtained from the spare list on the club website or any member in good standing. Guests are not allowed to spare in this league.
Reporting of Scores
- The game results and team scores should be entered in the online scoring system immediately after each game.
- It is generally the responsibility of the Vices to ensure the score is reported.
- If the Vices have left without entering the score, any team member may make the entry.
- Vices and skips can enter the result online via the app or the website if they forget to enter it on the iPad at the club.
Interpretations and Dispute Resolution
- Any interpretation or disputes associated with scoring or rules will be resolved by the Men's Curling Committee.
Note: These rules and regulations are in effect for the Men's League Curling at the Mississaugua Golf and Country Club on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It is the responsibility of all teams and participants to adhere to these guidelines for a fair and enjoyable curling season.
Last updated: October 2024
Tuesday Afternoon - Ladies Team Entry - Jean Reid Trophy
Time: 1:00 p.m. Sign-up: Team entry Individual - Every effort will be made to place you a on team - or Spare (provide dates available)
Games begin January 14th
Wednesday - Senior Men -
Senior Mens Curling at 1:00 pm
Individual Entry and teams will be compiled.
Cost is $5 per game (billed to your account)
Teams will play for meat prizes and enjoy a warm drink after the game.
Please indicate the position you would like to play and any lengthy absence anticipated.
Wednesday Night - Ladies - 7pm Series 1
A social evening of fun both on and off the ice. All ladies are welcome to play. Teams will be made of participants who register. Games for Series 1 are from October 16th - November 27th
WNL League Description:
- Season: Abbreviated 7-week round robin
- Teams: 13
- Schedule: Some teams will have a bye week
- Standings: Top 6 results count for each team
- Point System:
- Win: 10 points
- Tie: 7.5 points
- Loss: 5 points
- Spares: Players should find their own spares from bye teams or the spare list
Wednesday Night - Ladies - 7pm Trophy Series
A social evening of fun both on and off the ice. All ladies are welcome to play. Teams will be made of participants who register, using a Skips Draft format.
WNL 3rd Series Team Entry Tier 1 February 12th - March 26th
Enter your team in preparation for the Tier 1 Club Championship, or simply because you enjoy playing together!
Please Note: No games will be scheduled on Wednesday, March 12.
WNL 3rd Series Individual Entry or Team Entry Tier 2 February 12-March 26th
Enter your team in preparation for the Tier 2 Club Championship, or simply because you enjoy playing together! Individual Entry welcome as well, teams will be created by committee
Please Note: No games will be scheduled on Wednesday, March 12.
Thursday Night - Men's Ladder - 7:15pm
Mississaugua Golf and Country Club
Men's League Curling
Tuesday and Thursday Night
Men's League Curling - Rules and Regulations
Tuesday and Thursday Nights
1. Team Registration
- Teams must register their intent to play by the deadline posted on all registration materials. Registration can be completed online at www.mississauguagolf.com.
- Teams are assumed to continue from series to series, including the season-end Club Championship, unless the team specifically notifies the Curling Office. Please provide at least 2 weeks' notice prior to the end of the current round if you do not wish to continue.
2. Division Structure
- Teams will be divided into divisions based on the number of registered teams. For 2024-25:
- Thursday will start with two seven-team divisions.
- Tuesday will start with three divisions: two with six teams and one with five teams.
- Assuming we continue to have an odd number of teams on Tuesday, the divisional structure will be adjusted so that the division with an odd number of teams changes each series. In the second series, C Division will have an odd number of teams. To accomplish this:
- One team will move down from A to B
- Two teams will move up from B to A
- Two teams will move up from C to B
- One team will move down from B to C
3. Initial Team Ranking
- The Curling Professional and Draw Convenor will rank all 'continuing' teams registered for the first series based on previous season results.
- A team is considered a continuing team with three existing team members OR the skip plus one other player.
- Initial placement in divisions will be determined by prior year results (from the end of the final round).
- 'New' teams will start in the lowest division.
4. Team Ladder Scoring
- Points are earned for each game played, and there is no extra play to break ties.
Scoring by Division:
- Division A: 7 points for a win, 4 points for a loss, 5.5 points for a tie
- Division B: 6 points for a win, 3 points for a loss, 4.5 points for a tie
- Division C: 5 points for a win, 2 points for a loss, 3.5 points for a tie
Default Rules:
- A default is recorded as a loss for the defaulting team.
5. Ladder Standings
- After each series, the series winners and promotion/relegation to other divisions will be determined based on the highest/lowest average points per game in the series.
- Ties in the standings will be broken by:
- Head-to-head games
- Highest average points per game in the season to date
- Random draw (if necessary)
- The Men's Curling Committee or Draw Convener will resolve any disputes in the ladder standings.
6. Prizes
- Recognition will be given to the winning teams of each Division (A, B, C) for each series for both Tuesday and Thursday sections.
- Recognition will be given to the winning team over the entire season for each night. This is determined by average points per game for the entire year. Ties will be broken by:
- Head-to-head games throughout the year
- Highest points per game in the last series
- Random draw (if necessary)
- All games will be played under the Rules of Curling and OCA regulations unless otherwise specified.
- A copy of the curling rule book is available at Rules for General Play.
- The Free Guard Zone 5 Rock Rule will be played during this season.
- Teams should be on the ice and ready to play 5 minutes prior to the designated start time.
Bell Rule
- The Bell Rule applies to all game times. When the bell rings, teams may finish the end in play plus one more end.
- The bell signals 1 hour and 40 minutes from the scheduled start.
- An end is considered complete and a new end started when the skip's last rock has crossed the near tee-line and is in motion.
- For example, if the skip's last rock in the sixth end has crossed the near tee-line before the bell rings, the teams may play eight ends.
Late Arrival
If a team is not on the ice ready to commence play at the designated time (unless otherwise stated by the rules governing the competition or league play):
- A 5-minute grace period will be allowed (Men's League Rule).
- If the delay of the start of play is 6-15 minutes, then one end is considered completed - the non-offending team receives one (1) point and will have the last stone in the second end (first end of actual play).
- If the delay of the start of play is 16-30 minutes, then two ends are considered completed - the non-offending team receives one (1) additional point and will have the last stone in the third end (first end of actual play).
- If play has not started after 30 minutes, then the non-offending team is declared the winner by forfeit.
- The club clock in the rink is the official clock.
- Best efforts should be used to reschedule all regular games.
- The team requesting the change should suggest make-up times, and the opponent must be reasonable in finding a suitable time with available ice prior to the end of the round.
- If the game cannot be played, the team that originally requested rescheduling will take the loss.
- All games will be eight ends subject to the Bell Rule.
- Ties remain as ties and are not broken.
- A team is responsible for ensuring their own substitutes. Teams must have at least three players.
- When playing with a three-player team, the Lead and Second will throw 3 rocks each.
- Teams must have one original player for the game to be valid.
- Spares are to be obtained from the spare list on the club website or any member in good standing. Guests are not allowed to spare in this league.
Reporting of Scores
- The game results and team scores should be entered in the online scoring system immediately after each game.
- It is generally the responsibility of the Vices to ensure the score is reported.
- If the Vices have left without entering the score, any team member may make the entry.
- Vices and skips can enter the result online via the app or the website if they forget to enter it on the iPad at the club.
Interpretations and Dispute Resolution
- Any interpretation or disputes associated with scoring or rules will be resolved by the Men's Curling Committee.
Note: These rules and regulations are in effect for the Men's League Curling at the Mississaugua Golf and Country Club on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It is the responsibility of all teams and participants to adhere to these guidelines for a fair and enjoyable curling season.
Last updated: October 2024
Open Team Triples October 24th - November 14th 1:00pm
Join the action with Team Triples every Thursday at 1:00 PM, starting October 24th through November 14th. This exciting 4-week session is open to all club members. Enter as a team of three or individually - we'll help you find teammates!
Triples curling is a fun, fast-paced variation of traditional curling. Here's how it works:
- Teams consist of three players instead of four
- Each player throws two stones per end
- Games are typically 6 ends long
- All players can sweep
This format offers a quicker game with more opportunities for strategy and shot-making. It's perfect for both newcomers and experienced curlers looking to shake things up.
Grab some friends and give this dynamic format a try! It's a great way to improve your skills, meet new people, and enjoy some friendly competition.
Friday Night - Social Mixed Early Draw 5:15 pm - First Series
Couple or Individual Entry
Teams will be organized by the Mixed Committee.
Enjoy a fun and social evening, both on and off the ice!
Friday Night - Social Mixed Late Draw 7:45 pm - First Series
Couple or Individual Entry
Teams will be organized by the Mixed Committee.
Enjoy a fun and social evening, both on and off the ice!
Friday Night - Social Mixed Early Draw 5:15 pm -Second Series
Couple or Individual Entry
Teams are created by the Mixed Committee
Enjoy a social evening both on and off the ice
Friday Night - Social Mixed - 7:45pm Second Series
Couple or Individual Entry
Teams are created by the Mixed Committee
Enjoy a social evening both on and off the ice
Friday Night - Social Mixed Early Draw 5:15pm -Third Series
Couple or Individual Entry
Teams are created by the Mixed Committee
Enjoy a social evening both on and off the ice Games will be March 7th, 21st, 28th and April 4th
Friday Night - Social Mixed - 7:45pm Third Series
Couple or Individual Entry
Teams are created by the Mixed Committee
Enjoy a social evening both on and off the ice Games will be March 7th, 21st, 28th and April 4th
Sunday - Winter Doubles
Looking for a fun and fast-paced way to stay active this winter? Doubles curling is an exciting variation of the game, featuring two players per team, fewer rocks, and more strategic play. It's perfect for all skill levels and a great way to improve your game!
Game Schedule:
- Sundays at 2:00 PM
- Dates: January 12, 19 | February 2, 9, 16 | March 9, 23
Grab a partner and hit the ice! Whether you're a seasoned curler or a beginner, this league is all about friendly competition and good times.
Mixed Doubles Curling League Format
Game Rules
All games will follow Mixed Doubles rules.
Games are played to 8 ends.
A tied game after 8 ends will remain a tie; no extra ends will be played.
Standings will be determined by a win/loss/tie scoring system:
Win: 2 points
Tie: 1 point
Loss: 0 points
Defaulted games will count as a loss for the defaulting team.
Team Participation
Teams are allowed to use spares; however, at least one regular team member must be present for the game.
Make-up games are permitted if both teams can agree on a rescheduled time.
Fees and Prizes
There is no entry fee for this league.
No prizes will be awarded; the focus is on participation and enjoyment.
Determining the Winner
The league winner will be based on the final round robin standings.